Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Almost the end of the marking period...

Here we are at the end of the October and almost to the end of the 1st marking period. Of course, like many, my thoughts have turned to last year.  What a strange fall it was with no electricity and no school for 2 weeks.  I am so glad that we are a year away from that and I am hopeful that most of our neighbors are in a better place in 2013.

As we close into our last weeks of the 1st marking period, the majority of the students are making progress in both their content knowledge and study skills.  Parents--don't forget that you can have your own parent account on Edmodo if you want to see what we are doing in class.  Have your son/daughter log on and then look on the bottom left of the screen and there will be directions to help you open up your own account. Every class has a syllabus for each unit that spells out all homework and assessments for class. Each unit has a folder that includes the syllabus, any assignments and readings, projects, and rubrics.

In A.P., the students are writing their second DBQ (Document Based Question) this week.  Please encourage your students to review their rubrics and reread my comments on past essays so that they don't continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. As for content, we are finishing the Progressive Era and we will be starting World War I.  The Academic classes have already started W orld War I and will be debating American neutraily tomorrow.  The ELL students are still learning about the Progressive Era and will be blogging about child labor tomorrow.
Happy Halloween and Fall!

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